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6 Facts About The Renal Diet Plan That You Should Know

6 Facts About The Renal Diet Plan That You Should Know

It is health that is real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver (By Mahatma Gandhi). Food plays a major role in the maintenance of health. Food is fuel for our body if you put the right kind of fuel this will on in a certain way and if you put the wrong fuel somehow it will manage. When you are diagnosed with CKD this food will make you feel better and protect your kidney from further damage if it is taken the correct way.  Discussing your diet with a qualified dietitian can help to improve your blood results and slow down the progress of your kidney disease. Here I am going to discuss 6 facts of the renal diet plan that we keep in mind while planning a diet for CKD patient.


Your kidneys remove wastes and extra fluid from your body. When your kidneys are damaged, waste products and fluid can build up in your body. That can cause swelling in your ankles, nausea, weakness, poor sleep, and shortness of breath. So, It can be dangerous when you take extra water.


There is a myth among people that if you have a damaged kidney just restrict the intake of protein. Most patients with kidney damage are also suffering from protein-energy malnutrition because they restrict the intake of protein. A high intake of protein will also be harmful to the kidney patient because high protein intake may lead to increased intraglomerular pressure and glomerular hyperfiltration. This can cause damage to the glomerular structure leading to or aggravating chronic kidney disease (CKD). Hence, a low protein diet (LPD) of 0.6–0.8 g/kg/day is often recommended for the management of CKD patients.


Potassium is a mineral and electrolyte which plays a vital role in some key processes. When you have Kidney Disease your Kidney won't be able to remove extra potassium and too much potassium in the blood leads to hyperkalemia. Which could be very dangerous. In kidney disease, High potassium food should be avoided.

If high potassium happens suddenly and you have very high levels, you may feel heart palpitations, shortness of breath, chest pain, nausea, or vomiting. This is a life-threatening condition.


A kidney is an organ that continually monitors Sodium concentration. When there is extra sodium in the body it flushes out from the body. The kidneys help keep sodium at a healthy level. People with kidney disease need to be especially careful of the amount of sodium in their diet. It’s because excess sodium in a diet can raise blood pressure, increase fluid retention and lead to serious health issues.

So, how can one limit the sodium intake in their diet, Here are some tips:

  • Cook with herbs and spices instead of salt. (Refer to the "Spice Up Your Cooking” section for further suggestions.)
  • Read food labels and choose those foods low in sodium.
  • If you need to limit potassium avoid salt substitutes (such as potassium chloride) and specialty low-sodium foods made with salt substitutes because they are high in potassium.
  • When eating out, ask for foods prepared without salt. Ask for gravy or sauce on the side; these may contain large amounts of salt and should be used in small amounts.

Fat and Oil

This is the most common problem when patients come to us they are weak and malnourished. Their family members stop giving them oil and spices because they think it may worsen their disease condition. But it is not true already their appetite is not good with that if you serve them boiled food without spices they are not willing to take food.  So make their food tastier and healthier.

Strictly avoid processed food

EVEN AFTER READING THE NUTRITION LABELS. Diseased Kidneys are incompetent in handling basic salt and spices. DO NOT OVERBURDEN THEM WITH PROCESSED FOOD.

As discussed above, 6 Facts About The Renal Diet Plan that you should know are going to be helpful in managing the disease reports.

Contact us for customized diet plans and counseling sessions to achieve good health.

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