


Are you worried about whether your child is getting proper nutrition or not? Well, as a responsible parent, you ought to be. The National Family Health Survey (NFHS) in its recent report states that 88.9% of children in India between 6 months and 23 months of age do not receive adequate nutrition. This is disheartening, especially because not every child in this category is facing poverty. Most children do not get the necessary amount of nutrition because of their food choices.

We understand that feeding a child or a toddler is not an easy task, especially when they are a picky eater. This is where online child dietitians in Hyderabad can help. Consult online child dietitians in Hyderabad at The Basic Meals. No matter how fussy your toddler is when it comes to eating, we can help you provide them with adequate nutrition through a proper diet.

How does nutrition affect child development?

Child development comprises three aspects – physical, mental, and emotional development. Nutrition can singlehandedly influence all three aspects of development. Proper nutrition through an adequate diet supports physical development. At the same time, it provides nourishment to the brain. This, in turn, promotes the development of intellect and understanding. A child develops acute senses and improved cognitive abilities with the help of a balanced diet. This balanced diet should provide the child with adequate nutrition in adequate amounts.

A child who falls sick often misses school and playtime with their friends. This can have a negative impact on their emotional growth. Over time, they get used to staying at home. In the long run, they grow up to be shy. Interacting with others feels burdensome for them. They grow up to be nervous individuals who cannot voice their needs and concerns with their peers. This is definitely not a future you would want for your kids. But this is exactly the extent to which insufficient nutrition can affect your child’s development. Opt for a healthy diet for your kids today to prevent the far-reaching unwanted consequences.

How do I help my child eat healthy?

“My child is an extremely fussy eater. I have tried different methods but have never been able to make my child eat a vegetable. Do you think you can help them?” Or, “My child only eats fruits or vegetables if I allow him to eat a bar of chocolate. Isn’t this a balanced meal?” – these are some of the questions parents ask online child dietitians in Hyderabad. First of all, yes, we can help your child get proper nutrition through a healthy diet. He or she may be too choosy when it comes to food. But with the help of online child dietitians in Hyderabad at The Basic Meals, you have hope. Secondly, no. Pairing a fruit or a vegetable with a bar of chocolate is not a balanced meal.

At The Basic Meals, our team of online child dietitians in Hyderabad share a few tips to help you. Their qualification and experience can help your child eat healthy.  

  1. Give them a choice:

Children are more likely to choose healthy food when they are allowed to. This means that instead of serving them food, make them choose. Ask them what they want for their meals. Not necessarily do you have to make them choose between pasta or pizza. You can ask them whether they want brinjals in the curry or carrots. It may not prove fruitful in the first few tries. Over time, they will accustomed to the idea that they have to choose between healthy meal options.

  1. Involve them:

Involve your child in meal planning. Take them grocery shopping. This way, they feel seen and heard. When they go to the market to buy fruits and vegetables, it will have a greater impact on their minds than on their textbooks. So, even when the textbook states that carrots are good for their vision, it is only when they go to the market that they will try to imbibe the learning. When they touch and feel fruits and vegetables, they are more likely to stop hating them.

  1. Teach them when they are not eating:

As online child dietitians in Hyderabad, we often find parents telling their children about the benefits of a healthy diet during their meal times. This is an incorrect way of feeding them. Teach them about a balanced diet and its importance during their free time. Take time out to interact with your children. This creates a parent-child bonding. Chances are high that your child will actually listen to you when you give your full attention to your child. When this is done outside meal time, your child understands that you want to teach them. They know that you are not doing this just so you can feed them quickly and then go back to your chores.

Children are very curious by nature. So, the next time you teach them why they need a healthy meal, try explaining the concept of nutrition in simple terms. Teach them how food helps in giving them energy, how food works in the body, why do we eat, etc. Slowly, they will understand the value of a nutritious diet.

  1. Give them a colourful plate:

Make their plated colourful. Not literally. Cook vegetables and prepare salads with a wide variety of colours. For example, when preparing a salad, include greens like cucumbers, lettuce, oranges like carrots, and violets like onions. This makes the food appear colourful. Children and toddlers love a wide range of colour combinations. Hence, they will eat.

  1. Values:

Keep meal times fixed. Plan at least one meal together with the family. During this time, keep all screens away. This includes you too refraining from office work during family meals. It is best not to discuss serious matters or exams when you eat. Children learn from what they see. So, if they find their parents relishing their meal, they are likely to give it a taste. Also, it is important for you to not force your child to eat. If they feel full after one serving, let them be. This helps them to gradually develop a positive relationship with food.

Why choose The Basic Meals?

At The Basic Meals, our team is dedicated to helping each parent improve the child of their health with a proper diet. That is why we include only the most well-qualified online child dietitians in Hyderabad in our team. Dietitian Anuradha Sharma, the co-founder at The Basic Meals, is a children’s favourite with her ever-smiling face. Dr. Pragati Pragya, being a mother herself, is well-aware of the problems that parents face. Their knowledge and experience serve as milestones for improving child health.

Our online child nutritionists in Hyderabad are top-ranked. Our approach toward child nutrition is based on scientific evidence. We do not promote any supplements either. A natural shift toward a sustainable diet pattern allows your child to be more open to including healthy foods in their diet. This is why you need to choose The Basic Meals. Improve your child’s nutrition with expert online child dietitians in Hyderabad.

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