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Monitoring and It’s Importance

Monitoring and It’s Importance

Imagine a scenario where you are cooking. If you do not constantly monitor the pan/pot in which the food is cooking, it is very likely that it might burn. Similarly, we must constantly monitor our body to make sure we are healthy. Read on further to know more about monitoring its and importance.

Regular check-ups and monitoring are important for every aspect of health. In many companies and MNCs, it is compulsory for employees to get an annual health check-up done. Many of us develop a habit to ignore our health unless we observe some major symptoms and often it’s too late.

My own experience has made me realize the importance of annual check-ups and constant monitoring of our health. A few years back, my father had some stomach issues. He would only take temporary relief medicines and did not bother to get himself checked to find out the main problem. Then one day, he experienced an unbearable pain in his stomach and had to be rushed to the hospital to take an injection, to relieve him from the pain. Even after that he but he refused to consult a doctor. Such incidents occurred multiple times within a year but he ignored them every time. A year later, in an annual check-up, the problem was detected. He was diagnosed with multiple gall stones and had to undergo surgery in an emergency. Now his diet is according to post-surgical patients.Even a little intake of any fatty food causes discomfort and bloating.

Looking back makes me wonder how different things would have been if he had not ignored his health, or I had not let him do so. I wish I had monitored his health better and forced him to the same as well.

Let me give you another example of one of our clients who was overweight and at a pre-diabetic stage. His reports depicted insulin resistance, his lipid profile was disturbed. We counselled him to make some lifestyle and dietary modifications. We also educated him about the possible consequences of not following our diet plans as he said that with his regular schedule he would not be ale to accommodate and manage the changes. Few years later he returned but this time he was diabetic and said “Please save me I will follow all your instructions”.

We have seen a lot of sufferings in our clinical experience. With time we realized many diseases can be prevented by lifestyle modifications and regular monitoring. Prevention is always better than cure.

The importance of monitoring in different conditions-

Obesity- If we check our weight every week, we will be conscious about slightest change and reflect back in case it keeps increasing. In case we happen to stumble upon weighing machine after years and find out weight is 20 kg more than what it was, we become demotivated. It is easy to lose 300 gm not 20 kg.

Hypertension-It is also called a silent killer as often it has no symptoms.Untreated high blood pressure damages organs over time and lead to stroke or heart disease. So, it is important monitor BP at home regularly. Even if we are not a hypertension patient. Low and high both are detrimental for health. This helps in early detection and also to keep a track of your treatment. Only way to know whether your lifestyle changes or medications are working is to check your blood pressure regularly. A huge number of stroke, cardiac arrests and sudden deaths are attributed to blood pressure which can be avoided.

Cardiovascular diseases-Heart diseases can be monitored and prevented at different levels. Being overweight and having high blood pressure for prolonged time are major risk factors in developing heart diseases. Another factor is high levels of cholesterol and triglycerides (type of fat in the blood) that raises the risk of heart disease. Annual check ups can help a lot. Regular monitoring is important for the detection and identification of the problem. At early stages, with diet and lifestyle modifications we can prevent the occurrence of complications.

Diabetes- India is the diabetes capital of the world and what lead us here is a lack of awareness and monitoring. Monitoring glucose levels daily is an essential part of managing diabetes, just like changing lifestyle habits and taking medication. Diabetic patients often complaint of experiencing fluctuations in blood glucose level, either it is too high (hyperglycemia) or too low (hypoglycemia). This sudden spike in glucose levels can damage our organs and lead to several complications like a heart attack, kidney problems, and circulation problem like diabetic foot which can lead to amputation. 

Kidney disease- Early kidney disease may not have any symptoms, so getting tested is the only way to know your kidneys are healthy. A risk factor for developing kidney disease are diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, family history. It is like a vicious cycle so we must try to prevent it before it worsens.

So, take care of your health!

Here are some tips to stay fit and healthy:

  1. Maintain a healthy weight; follow a home cooked balance diet and exercise regularly.
  2. Manage stress by getting enough sleep and practice yoga and meditation.
  3. Quit smoking and drinking (if you do).

Last but not the least, keep a regular check. Develop this habit; it helps in early detection also take corrective actions for the same. With early detection most of the diseases can be treated with healthy lifestyle and balanced diet. Get in touch with medical practitioners for help.

We at "The Basic Meals" have a team of extremely professional and experienced nutritionists who can help you get the perfect and the most effective diet plans for all your problems and guide you in the journey of reaching your desired goal. We care for your health!

Do not ignore your health, nothing is more important than that.

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