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Set Your Goals Right: 7 Health Tips For 2023  

Set Your Goals Right: 7 Health Tips For 2023  

Hello Everyone. We all are ready to welcome 2023 very soon. You need to set your goals right, and here are 7 new year health tips for 2023.  

1. Get a Life:

Being a workaholic is also an addiction that can be life-threatening. Remember when we were studying our parents used to say, “Study now and enjoy later”. Yes, We understood the first part but forgot the second one.  

We should not live to work. We should work to live. Relive your hobbies, and have fun. Use the salary to enjoy life also. Adults are not only for responsibilities with a heavy heart all the time. A 10-day holiday once a year is not going to keep us happy throughout the year. Remember to smile, laugh, and have heartfelt memories. Make them a new year diet. 

2. Enjoy your work:

Enjoy what you are doing. You chose this as your career. You are the best person to do it. Life has chosen you to do this work. Do it with full dedication, and love it.  

Only for working hours. Beyond that, get back to enjoying life. Also, remember you are a human, not a tree. If you can’t love your work, find something else. Something which fascinates you. Something you can actually give your best into.  

3. Make a list of things to do:

You know there is a saying, “at the time of death, we do not regret what we did, but what we didn’t do”.

Don’t make your job your ambition in life. Make happiness your ambition. Do things that you actually wanted to do. Make a list of things you want to do this year. Watch the movie “Dasvedania”, for good ideas. Make your own new year health tips and goals. 

4. Get comfortable in your skin:

Don’t live according to the standards which the world places for you. Accept your beautiful scars. Accept that gaining health is not a race. Don’t try fads for getting beautiful faster.  

Yes, being healthy is important but slow and steady wins the race.  Gradually develop healthy habits. Visit our website to join our programs www.thebasicmeals.com. We can help you there.   

5. Avoid the artificial world:

Processed food, makeup, and other such factory-made chemicals are detrimental to our health. Advertised shampoos do not improve the health of hair, nor do soaps do any good to the skin. Similarly, advertised healthy drinks and foods do not provide health. Makeup products do not enhance our beauty.  

Chemicals are carcinogenic. Humans are already dealing with a lot of soil, water, and air pollutants. We do not need additional chemicals to make matters worse. Be yourself. Love yourself the way you are. The only thing that we should try to make better is our health. New year health tips should be chemical-free. 

6. Get back to nature:

Try picnics instead of closed-hall movies. Go to the beach instead of waterparks. Visit treks instead of gyms. Breathe the green air. Visit natural water. Listen to the chirping of birds. Play games that you enjoyed as a child instead of an exercise schedule made by so-called physical trainers. Dance, listen to music, and enjoy nature.  

7. Pray and have gratitude: 

Making a connection with God is not a Geriatric duty. Start your day with positivity. Have gratitude towards what God has given us. Pray and thank him. Meditate His name.  

We must notice, people who have left the influence of God, are stressed and many a time falls into the hands of life-threatening addictions. Of course, I am not trying to impose superstitions, just the gratitude and meditation part which gives positive vibes. Make positivity your new year diet.

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