Weight Loss Dietitians in Kolkata

Weight Loss Dietitians in Kolkata

Weight Loss Dietitians in Kolkata

It’s incredibly necessary to find an experienced dietitian before planning to lose a significant amount of weight. As much as exercising and being on a diet by yourself is effective, doing it in a healthy way is a must. Dr. Pragati Pragya and Deititian Anuradha Sharma, the best weight loss dietitians in Kolkata are here to help and guide you through this journey.

A dietitian studies the physiology of the human body to provide a suitable diet program to an individual for their weight loss journey. To each their own; meaning, everybody has their own preferences of food, the time they’re eating the food at, and the quantity. A dietitian takes note of these standards and works on an appropriate diet plan that’s not too hectic of a change to follow.

  • Personalized Proposition –Firstly, to achieve a desired diet plan for said individual, the dietitian assisting them will organize an interview. This interview consists of a variety of questions that the client will have to answer truthfully. The questions are based upon factors that mainly influence a person’s eating routine. These questions typically are; the kind of food a person eats, when they eat their preferred food, what kind of exercises they usually take part in, if they have any medical condition that might affect them physically, etc. Dietitians use this set of record to bring a custom-made diet and nutrition plan into being.After thoroughly investigating the information given by a client, a dietitian reckons and identifies all the vital nutrition required to help maintain a healthy habit while simultaneously maintaining a perfect diet balance. They also cut off foods that may be potentially stopping the client from losing any specific weight. At the end of this entire interview and so-called investigation, an appropriate diet plan is brought into existence.
  • Healthy Goal Arrangement – It’s normal for people to set some unrealistic goals while being too hyped up about losing their weight. But usually, theseimpracticalgoals end upresulting in disappointment and dissatisfaction which can demotivate a person to continue their weight loss journey. To prevent this type of a mind-set, dietitians create an achievable and practical goal from the very start. Unlike false marketing that promotes weight loss of 10-15kg within a week, dietitians encourage their clients to be patient with the process and keep working towards achieving their goal. Dietitians follow scientific research and confirmation before proceeding with random diet plans. This is to ensure the clients that whatever they’re being handed, has been tested and proven effectiveby experimenters before giving a thumbs-up.
  • Encouraging Responsibility – As much as a dietitian tales accountability of a person’s weight loss, it’s important to understand that it’s not just their responsibility to maintain the speed of the process. Regular check-ups are anticipated to keep up with the pace and not get off track.Routine appointments are also suggested to maintain a diet plan without any obstacles. Dietitians can help a person get back to being motivated and not cheat for their own good. These are only a few ways mentioned.For a better, in-depth knowledge and understanding of diet solutions arranged by experienced dietitains, we suggest consulting one! If you’re looking for a dietitian in Kolkata, below mentioned are the details of the leading experts mastering in this field.

Dr PragatiPragya and Dietitian Anuradha Sharma are the two leading nutritionists in India with over 10 years of experience. The duo are the confounders of thebasicmeal.com, providing evidence-based diet solutions. These Kolkata based specialists have gained an amazing reputation with several awards and honorarytitles.

Dietician Anuradha Sharma is a gold medalist of M.Sc. Food Science and Clinical Nutrition from J.D. Birla Institute Kolkata. Her interests are limitless, she is very fond of working for metabolic disorders, child nutrition, medical nutrition therapy such as Gastroenterology, Nephrology, Neurology, and Critical care. Without a doubt, she is currently the best dietitian in Kolkata.

If you’re someone who’s thinking of starting their weight loss course but aren’t sure where to start, we recommend consulting with us at thebasicmeals.com to understand the basics of weight loss programs conducted by a professional dietitian. Dr. Pragati Pragya and Deititian Anuradha Sharma are excellent weight loss dietitians in Kolkata and will surely help your weight goals in no time!

Our team at The Basic Meals is highly qualified and experienced in Clinical Nutrition and Obesity Management. We prioritize a healthy, balanced diet for our clients instead of prescribing artificial supplements. It is our mission to promote a healthy lifestyle for all, with natural techniques.

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