Best Nutritionists in Kolkata

Best Nutritionists in Kolkata

Best Nutritionists in Kolkata

A clinical nutritionist is a specialist in nutrition who takes responsibility of a person’s food and nutrition intake. Their job is to take notes of a client’s routine and filter out factors or foods that might be holding the client back from reaching to a healthy lifestyle. Nutritionists work for patients who need special care, have allergies, are suffering from health conditions, or wish to lose or gain a desired weight in a healthy manner. Legit dietitians and nutritionists are licensed practitioners in fields such as sports, public health, and even animal nutrition. Dr Pragati Pragya and dietitian Anuradha Sharma, the best nutritionists in Kolkata possess all these qualities.

If you’re looking for a professional and experienced nutritionist in Kolkata, we recommend none other than The Basic Meals. The team at The Basic Meals are a highly professional, qualified, and experienced group of nutritionists, specializing in Clinical Nutrition. offer a one-on-one consultation experience as well as online, and have two of the top-notch experts guiding them; Dr Pragati Pragya, who’s a nutritionist, and Dietician Anuradha Sharma who excels at a number of therapies along with being a dietitian.

To follow a nutrition plan, it’s initially required to understand what kinds of nutrients are needed by the human body.

Let’s take a look;

The best nutritionists in Kolkata explain that there are two main categories that nutrition practitioners use to create a suitable, healthy diet. They are called Macro-nutrients and Micro-nutrients.

Macro-nutrients – “Macro” is derived from the Greek word “macros” which simply means large. Macro-nutrients are natural supplements of calories and energy to the body. These nutrients are needed in macros amounts, I mean, large amounts. Without macro-nutrients, a human cannot perform bodily functions normally and so it’s a compulsion to maintain the levels of the required nutrients to be able to do daily tasks without any weakness. There are three major classifications of macro-nutrients; carbohydrates, fats, and proteins.

  1. Carbohydrates: These nutrients are found in a large variety of foods such as bread, milk, potatoes, corn, beans, fruits, and so on. A few other forms of carbohydrates are sugar, starch, and fibre. These foods usually contain 4 calories per gram.
  2. Fats: Some widely known sources of fats can be — specific meat such as red meat, chicken, etc., oils like coconut oil and palm oil, dry nuts, and mainly a number of whole-fat dairy products for example; milk, cheese, cream, and curd. These nutrients usually contain around 9 calories per gram.
  3. Protein: Proteins are a vital source of energy needed for the body to function. These nutrients fuel energy to the human body and so they contain the same amount of energy ratio as carbohydrates, i.e., 4 calories per gram. Some main sources of protein are soybeans, tofu, eggs, fish and fish oil, lentils and chickpeas.

Micro-nutrients – Unlike macro, micro refers to being small. This word comes from “micros”, which is yet another Greek word. These nutrients are so small that they need to be measured in milligrams and surprisingly, sometimes in micro-grams.

Micronutrients are present in a wide array of foods. The top sources being fruits and vegetables that consist of significant levels of vitamins and minerals. Some of the micronutrients found in food sources are:

  1. Calcium: The food richest in calcium includes dairy products like milk, cheese, and cream, and beverages produced in dairies that contain almonds and soy milk, yoghurt, curd, etc. Other foods rich in calcium are green vegetables, peas, fish, and cereals.
  2. Iron: Foods containing iron are as follows – red meat, liver, kidney beans, spinach, dry fruits, soybean, and chickpeas among others.
  3. Vitamin B-6:Vitamin B-6 is present in edibles such as eggs, chicken, fish, peanuts, soybeans, oats, bananas, etc.
  4. Vitamin B-12:Salmon, milk, yoghurt, cheese, liver, meat, breakfast cereal, and eggs are some sources of vitamin b-12.
  5. Vitamin C: Vitamin C can be found in potatoes, sprouts, broccoli, oranges, other citrus fruits, peppers, and strawberries.
  6. Vitamin E: Root sources of vitamin E – sunflower and soybean oil, red capsicums, almonds, sunflower seeds, peanuts, beetroot, spinach, and pumpkin.
  7. Zinc: Zinc-rich foods are eggs, beans, peas, lentils, nuts such as almonds and cashews, chickpeas, red meat, soy products, and baked red kidney beans.

Usually a majority of macro-nutrients already contain some micro-nutrients, but it’s rather a task to find out the percentage of micro-nutrients intake within macro-nutrients. To differentiate and filter out excessive macro or micro-nutrients, nutritionists make suitable diet plans and keep an eye out for improvements in a person’s health.

The best nutritionists in Kolkata, through their website have also taken up an incredible initiative called “Nutrition Warriors”. It’s a nutrition awareness club for children which we encourage all parents or people looking after children to check out!

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