Nutrition Warriors

About Nutrition Warriors

It is a fact that Nutrition and Lifestyle is key to good health. Nutrition awareness and education among children can make them better “nutrition warriors,” as they are the future of the nation and these can make their adulthood healthy. It is not only disadvantageous at the individual level to have poor nutrition& lifestyle, but also atthe national level.

We aspire that the next generation is nutritionally healthy and have a good lifestyle. Awareness about nutrition is the antidote to achieve this and that’s why we came with an idea of a Nutrition Club for children as “Nutrition Warriors”.

Nutrition awareness programs will be created with “nutrition warriors” using participatory learning and action approach using tools such as pictorial charts, picture cards, role-plays, stories, poems, and songs, healthy eating exhibitions etc. Through these various creative ideas, nutrition warriors will reach other children, adults, and the community as a whole. We will provide all the necessary educational support to the nutrition warrior.

*Free Nutrition Warriors Handbook available on request

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